The lights work! And what a difference it makes. Here you're looking west from the museum into the Sustainable Archaeology facility. You can see clear through into the storage room with the high density mobile shelving in its final stages of installation. The walls in the 'bridge' are primed and will be painted first thing next week. The millwork is complete (with the exception of a few alternations). Major work is starting out in the parking lot next week as well. And once the lights are installed on the facade outside, I'll be able to share a photo of the completed exterior.
Other initiatives include a brainstorming workshop we're hosting on July 9th to discuss database and policy development, roughing out the plans for our Grand Opening in September, finalizing purchases of our RFID system, microCT scanner and digital x-ray and developing RFQ's for lab out-fittings, computers and other pieces of equipment we will be needing in the near future. Next week we will be receiving a very generous gift of 10 computer systems, a whole bunch of monitors and 5 tablets from Michael Carter at theskonkworks. Thank you so very much, Michael - and welcome aboard! Mike will be joining us in the UWO PhD program next year.
Other initiatives include a brainstorming workshop we're hosting on July 9th to discuss database and policy development, roughing out the plans for our Grand Opening in September, finalizing purchases of our RFID system, microCT scanner and digital x-ray and developing RFQ's for lab out-fittings, computers and other pieces of equipment we will be needing in the near future. Next week we will be receiving a very generous gift of 10 computer systems, a whole bunch of monitors and 5 tablets from Michael Carter at theskonkworks. Thank you so very much, Michael - and welcome aboard! Mike will be joining us in the UWO PhD program next year.
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